Become the place to be.

Become a Creative Otautahi venue to make extra dosh on a space that’s already yours!

How it works…

What is a Creative Otautahi partner venue?

Any space that works for social gatherings can be a venue. Creative Otautahi venues are spaces that allow our hosts to facilitate their experiences in a suitable environment. Different types of venues suit different types of Hosts, and almost any venue can work for some kind of host!

If you have tables and chairs, that can be great for our crafters, artists, or board gamers. Large halls with chairs can be great for talks, seminars, and networking events. And if you have specialised equipment like stoves and ovens, that could work well for cooking and baking nights!

What is the process for becoming a venue?

The first thing to do is fill out this form and wait for one of our team members to get back to you. We will assess if your space is suitable to be a Creative Otautahi partner venue, and if so, one of our team will meet at your space to take photographs and compile a “Venue Profile” (which includes your name, contact details, address of the venue, rules of use, and payment terms). Then, when hosts approach us looking for a venue for their event, we can recommend yours and refer them to your Venue Profile so they can follow up with you if your space is suitable!

How much control do I have over my space?

All the control! Your space is yours, so you are the one to set your terms. You can name your hourly price and lay out any rules or fees that potential hosts must comply with to use your space.

What are some examples of venues?

Great venues include places like cafes, shops, bars, restaurants, community spaces, and commercial kitchens. Even residential homes can sometimes be suitable venues! The best way to check if your space is suitable is to get in touch.

When would I get paid?

When your space becomes a venue with us, you can set the terms for when you would like to be paid, and these details will be included in your venue profile that we share with our hosts. Your host would be responsible for coordinating with you and paying your venue fee, and you can choose to be paid before the event, or upon the conclusion of the event.